Father's Day
See anything offensive in this? See anything innocuous? Regard that just after this image I walked a bit further on and took this image:
Well, there are a number of notes here that are not clear in the image alone. One is that I missed the evening light by about 20 seconds and two is that someone took great offense at my photographic investigations and actually called the cops, but surely there is more to the story?
Indeed, once I was confronted by the caller I was then informed that I was to stand ready for the police as they are already in route. Then I had to stand and deliver to the question: "what are you taking pictures for?" I have not much reserve for easy and digested explanations of my taste and preferences for what a now apparently is a backside of an apartment building and I also have little patience for explaining to suspicious and clannish folks what seems to be something that is only of personal interest. Well, there is more to taking images than the snapping and there is more to share than the innocuous play on words that I am in pursuit of art and nothing more. It may not leave anything unresolved or a long pedantic yawp might win over a new friend, but in either direction suspicious folks will generally remain that way until they decide to reserve some quiet time to review for themselves what motivates a call to the police.
Some irony in the matter is that there was later a note form the cop that the caller is actually a "friend" working at the same incident command post in Mobile as I am... No matter that there shouldn't be anything to worry that we are all colleagues here.