A return a touch up and a loop

Perhaps returning should be a short exercise. One that confirms that there is a confirmation and then a departure again to assure the process complete. The distinction when a detail traps a moment and then the time to restore that whole is applied makes for a small memory that adds later with other moments and drives forth a continum. Thankfully there are moments enough to thread together.

Whatever the repair. There is more than the tools, the time and the attention. The interface and revisiting of the loop that was first entered into.

The best experience of returning that I know of is what MacArthur made good on in the Pilipinas. It is a story I never tire or reviewing and count the details as a careful good example of serious hard work and great sacrifice. I am leaving out here much more than the story should be be known for, but I am only touching on the sense of the return as a strong image powerful in its potential for further conversation.

Perhaps a better reference on the notion of return is from Shakespeare:

We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from... Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements.                                                                                                       William Shakespeare

The circular is evident here from Ol' Bill and there are some conditional controls assumed when getting into the loop, but we all agree to not contest simple quotes and instead test our databanks for even more obscure thoughts.



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